The story follows the Inquisitor, who must journey across the world of Thedas in order to close a mysterious portal in the sky called the “Breach” that has been letting dangerous demons in. It is the third game in its franchise and the sequel to Dragon Age: Origin s and Dragon Age II. For the inquisitionĭragon Age: Inquisition is an action role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts. Mod Manager for Dragon Age: Inquisition (DAI) is one of the older mod managers for the Dragon Age: Inquisition mod community, but it’s still one of the best around. Some mods even happen to require it installed before they can be launched and used. Developed and improved by the mod team of Eham, Zhentar, and Dawnless Sky, this little modding tool was designed to handle most mods for the game. adjust your bust size, and the mod has been designed to work with most in-game armor. Mod Manager for Dragon Age: Inquisition (DAI) is a video game utility program that allows you to easily organize and manage your mods for the game Dragon Age: Inquisition. Do not copy these files to the Data folder as with a normal mod.